Why your political view is The Best or please spare me!

It takes a huge change of heart to accept your mistakes. You seldom come across people who can admit that they were wrong. I am not that person, generally. The secret of success according to my best-selling-if-published book of ‘How to be successful without doing much?’ is that you never admit you are wrong but successfully passContinue reading “Why your political view is The Best or please spare me!”

Shoot The Messenger

“Ravana started this auspicious tradition when Hanuman came to his court”. — Bruce (@GhantaGuy) March 5, 2015 Circa 326 BC. One of the BSFOKP (Border Security Force of King Porus of Punjab) soldier saw a huge army marching towards them. It was an usual scene to have thousands of armed Europeans in a pugnacious moodContinue reading “Shoot The Messenger”