In 1990, there was an experiment done in Stanford University by Dr. Elizabeth Newton for her Ph.D. In the experiment, she assigned 2 groups of people with 2 roles: Tappers & Listeners. (Hat tip to Made to Stick) Tappers received a list of well-known songs and were asked to pick a song and tap outContinue reading “The Curse of Knowledge”
So I recently watched: The Founder and this is not a review but yet another Toastmasters Post
I have taken over as the President of my organization’s Toastmasters Club. Again. Below is my presidential address of acceptance. You may read it for some motivation. Enjoy! Recently, I happened to watch a movie called “The Founder”. It was about a businessman called Ray Kroc, who was the chairman of the McDonald’s corporation. Although theContinue reading “So I recently watched: The Founder and this is not a review but yet another Toastmasters Post”
Morning Motivation Served On A Platter
It took more years than I have been alive. And not only me, whole generations, in fact. It took so many alarms not at all snoozed and waking up early to see the leather brushing off the noses and the chins of Indian Batsman. It took so many sledging lessons. It took many greats whichContinue reading “Morning Motivation Served On A Platter”
So I recently watched: Netflix’s Black Mirror: Bandersnatch
So I recently watched: Netflix’s Black Mirror: Bandersnatch. Bandersnatch is probably a first of its kind Interactive Movie, like a computer game, in which the viewer can choose the actions of the protagonist and some other characters by choosing from 2 options. That choice changes the outcome of the scene and it could lead toContinue reading “So I recently watched: Netflix’s Black Mirror: Bandersnatch”
Life Hack : Touch a Tree once a day
In continuation of the last post, to detox one’s self from technology, I found a nice way which works for me. Not sure about you. But this about me, not you anyway. Touch a tree once a day. And by touch I mean just glide your hands over it. By glide I mean just touchContinue reading “Life Hack : Touch a Tree once a day”
Does YouTube parent your kids too?
I have a nephew who is just a year old. He doesn’t speak more than baba-mama-gaga yet but what he can do with the prowess of an adult is swiping videos left and right, up and down on YouTube. He can watch hours of non-stop YouTube videos of animated characters if left unattended. I amContinue reading “Does YouTube parent your kids too?”
Year 2018 End Blog Post
*cough* What a year 2018 has been! I mean, seriously. This year, I had some experiences which I have never felt in my life before. Most of the experiences were life-altering. I will come back to them later in this post but first, let us look at the so-called resolutions I had promised at theContinue reading “Year 2018 End Blog Post”