Let me write a sentence in multiple ways so that you can raise your eyebrows accordingly: One ad showed a Hindu woman thanking her Muslim mother in law for allowing Hindu rituals in their Inter-Faith marriage. One ad showed a Hindu woman thanking her Muslim mother in law for allowing Hindu rituals in their Inter-FaithContinue reading “Non-Aligned Movement”
FU News: Uber for protests launched
In an interesting turn of events, a startup company, which earlier dealt with raw materials for arranging a protest like placards, banners, stones, unemployed youth, and water cannons (if you happen to be in their right books), has launched an Android App, ‘Stonr : The Dharna App’. This app has been made to meet theContinue reading “FU News: Uber for protests launched”
So I recently watched: The Social Dilemma
Most probably you will read this on your phone with numerous notifications lurking around for your attention which will prevent you from reading this completely. If you had clicked a link to reach here, the link would be from Facebook, or Twitter, or LinkedIn, or some other social media site. There is nothing I canContinue reading “So I recently watched: The Social Dilemma”
When Sniper’s Red Dot is on your forehead
To quote one guy on Instagram, recently I had the fortunate experience of writing a few online exams. I had written about the adrenaline rush of writing an exam itself but to top all that, the real fun is when you have to keep your video on and a proctor is looking at your moves.
Here’s some unsolicited advice for you
Some people have a personality that makes you believe that they can be bothered for personal advice. They have an air of stability and sound decision making. They look like if you tell them your secrets, they will keep them end-to-end encrypted. When I was in college, few friends were open to telling me aboutContinue reading “Here’s some unsolicited advice for you”
Listen and Silent are made up of the same letters. Anger is 1 letter away from Danger. Empty – mpty – mpt – mt – ____ mean the same thing. Paronomasia (pun) is pretty close to Paranoia. Having a funny WIFI name is okay. Real bravado is when you share the password. Source: I don’tContinue reading “Wordplay”
Return it Easy Policy
In 1994, when Prabhudeva danced on the top of a transparent bus to woo some girls in the Tamil movie Kadhalan, he didn’t realize that inadvertently, he was peddling some common Indian antics. Stalking while putting life in danger Climbing on the buses because who needs AC Basically, Taking it Easy Policy