It took more years than I have been alive. And not only me, whole generations, in fact. It took so many alarms not at all snoozed and waking up early to see the leather brushing off the noses and the chins of Indian Batsman. It took so many sledging lessons. It took many greats which were deemed equivalent to Gods. It took so many VVSs, Dravids, and Sachins but the dream was still a dream.
Till today. Today, it has finally been achieved.
Congratulations Indian Cricket Team for defeating Australia 2-1 in the tests for the first time ever.
The Indian players pose with the Border-Gavaskar Trophy via David Gray/AFP/Getty Images
In continuation of the last post, to detox one’s self from technology, I found a nice way which works for me. Not sure about you. But this about me, not you anyway.
Touch a tree once a day. And by touch I mean just glide your hands over it. By glide I mean just touch it for some seconds and that’s all, no need to overdo too. You may hug like it is Chipko Movement also if no one is watching but not necessarily. Let me explain.
Most of us, all day, find ourselves surrounded by various electronics and electromagnetic kinds of stuff. We keep typing all day long on keyboards and inhale too much of plastic-y air that by the time it is evening, your lungs might be filled with plastic dust like Tar (exaggerating it to make it sound very bad). And when we are free, we keep our hands busy by typing and texting on our phones. Again plastic. You sit on a plastic chair. You touch people who are plastic (no?). You use handles which are either metal or plastic. You eat in Plastic Plates. Your tiffin is Tupperware. All you need in life is something living. Like Wood.
What a year 2018 has been! I mean, seriously. This year, I had some experiences which I have never felt in my life before. Most of the experiences were life-altering. I will come back to them later in this post but first, let us look at the so-called resolutions I had promised at the end of the last year. And their outcomes, of course. I don’t make resolutions-resolutions per se but everyone has some things in their minds they want to tick mark every year.
Here’s the breakdown of how my objectives of the year fared.
Resolutions 2018
Write daily. This is really important. Seth Godin, here I come.
Outcome: 33 blog posts. About 300 posts short but highest blog posts in a year by me, ever!
Verdict: Fail
Take more photographs. Edit them better. Make better stories. Be a better photographer, better editor.
Outcome: About 150 Instagram Posts. I crossed 1000 posts this year. And I didn’t use Photoshop this year at all.
Verdict: Pass
Be a better storyteller. Better speaker. Better. And don’t let anything distract you from that.
Outcome: I completed by Toastmasters Advanced Communicator Bronze which included Storytelling. So technically, yes! Still a long way to go.
Verdict: Pass
Indulge in Video making and editing. Tough task but time is now! Casey Neistat and likes keep inspiring and sharing new people to get motivated from.
Outcome: Video editing is a tough job. I didn’t start a Vlog yet but getting there slowly.
Verdict: Pass (barely)
Learn something new every week. New technology, science, history, word, technique, skills, something! And write about it.
Outcome: Huge scope in this task. I certainly could do a lot more. I will consider myself failed.
Verdict: Fail
I didn’t have an actual big cycle when I was a kid. I had a small kiddy bike until I was 13. But then my younger brother got a proper bike. So I used it. But not as much as I wanted. So, if all goes well, I will buy a Bicycle soon and just ride it.
Outcome: Big fail.
Verdict: Fail
Overhaul the overall brand. Come up as a person people should look up to. Learn from others. Teach what you know to others. Learn more, be more!
Outcome: Long way to go. It is better to stay perpetually fail as this.
Verdict: Fail
Basically, just do. Don’t complain. Don’t indulge in politics. Don’t share irrelevant details. Don’t consume bad stuff.
Outcome: Subjective thing. But I am still sane.
Verdict: Pass
Don’t intake negative vibes. Just do your thing and be better!
A man is born alone and dies alone; and he experiences the good and bad consequences of his karma alone; and he goes alone to hell or the Supreme abode.
Karma is a funny thing. It is certainly the outcome of your actions which you deliberated yourself or someone made you do it. Nevertheless, you must face them at some point in your life. The year 2018 left me with some experiences (which were not my doing necessarily but still I had to face) which were quite new. I am going to jot down these experiences in the classy Health-Wealth-Wise trio format which made me ponder about life a bit more than I would have. This is going to be somber like all previous year-end posts.
I traveled to Goa in the beginning of the year and needless to say I was not interested in sharing my beach pics. I have put more pressure on the weighing scales this year than I ever have. Some of this could be blamed on me living alone for 5 months and using Zomato, Swiggy, and FreshMenu to the fullest. I was, in fact, happy to note that Google Pay got me a lot of cashbacks. But then I fell sick later in the year so the medicines evened out the cashbacks. The silver lining was that I was able to keep the clothes still fit my waist. This sounds all negligible experience actually. This is not life-altering by any stretch of the imagination, to be honest. In more seriousness, the truth is that most of us take health for granted. Only when either we ourself or someone close falls ill, then only we understand the importance of taking care. Some of the people around me kept on falling sick or fell into the trap of diseases which are life-threatening. Even if when you are not suffering yourself, when people around you suffer, that hurts a lot, if not equally. And the fact that one cannot do anything about it, is a tough bullet to chew. To say the least, healthwise 3 of the major experience happened to me this year was:
Having to take someone to a hospital in an ambulance when they had just collapsed and getting to know that it was the case of D.O.A.
Still dealing with the ongoing ordeal of a close one suffering from the monster called Cancer. It sucks the life out of one in all possible ways but you still have to deal with it.
Got to hear about someone giving up on life due to Depression. Enough said.
Till July of this year, I went to the Airport every month. Sometimes, more than once a month. I am not at all a frequent traveler but circumstances made me do it. That also brings me to the fact that, one, everyone knows how painful it is to travel to Bengaluru airport so many times, and second, the amount of money which gets consumed in traveling is immense. People get so much impressed by Travelogs but what about unplanned travels? Who budgets that? So, the first experience was to think about money. Frankly, I have never paid any attention to it. I have been privileged enough to not to worry about it, yes! But also, how much more do I need to be more responsible and be ready for the unplanned things. I finally started investing. Nothing fancy but even investing in FDs and RDs was the first time for me. (I am so posh or what?). But seriously, I should have started this a decade ago. The one thing nobody teaches properly is how to use your money. Those who actually professionally teach have ulterior motives I guess. One important thing I did this year though was to travel to Shravanbelgola and attend the once in 25 years Mahamastakabhishek in proper attire. I don’t know if I will ever get a chance like this.
With all of the learnings from above, the only take away is that we don’t really have much time. How we spend the time we have makes us who we are! We can get bothered about the events on social media or politics, or we can try to make small differences in anyone else’s lives. We can either Netflix and chill (and that is important too to stay sane but in limited quantity) or we can try to boost confidence and morale of someone by sharing a good positive quote or just talking and listening to them. We can stay in one place or travel.
All in all, 2018 was a somewhat unusual year which sets the tone of future too. But since we have less time in our hands, we can try to be optimistic and just do something about it than letting life happen to us.
The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails.
On Monday, Nov. 26, 2018, just before noon PT (3 p.m. ET; 2000 UTC/GMT), NASA’s InSight mission will land on Mars! The spacecraft will plunge through the thin Martian atmosphere, heatshield first, and use a parachute to slow down. Then, it will fire its retro rockets to slowly descend to the surface.
Yours is among 2.4 million names that will be on Mars when InSight touches down. Once on the surface, InSight will study the deep interior of Mars to advance our understanding of the early history of all rocky planets, including Earth.
Actually, some time back, I saw a post from NASA on my Instagram feed. It said that the Insight Mission which is going to land on Mars in November 2018 will carry names of people who sign up via a form. Just the names, no DNA or anything. They don’t want to contaminate Mars (further). I had signed up without giving another thought. And the day is here!
Today (tonight), hopefully, my name, along with 2.4 million others will land on Mars. To put in percentage, out of 7 odd billion people, only 0.03% of people would have their names landing on Mars tonight. I am not joking. Can you imagine how exciting this actually is? Although the mission is not about that. But having your name on a different planet is a feat in itself, right?
Boarding Pass
But on a serious note, after Curiosity this would be the first mission which actually lands on the Martian surface.
The line above is not just a trope. It happens more often than one might believe. On August 10th, 2018 I completed 10 years working. I joined my first job on August 11th, 2008 thinking it would be a part-time thing for a couple of months. But it extended for 15 months thanks to the economic debacle of that year. That happened because I lost 2 job offers I had earned in my college campus. I had earned those 2 offers after quite a struggle after failing to crack various rounds in 4-5 companies. Not that I wasn’t good, it was just not working out due to one reason or the other. One of the reason was honesty, another was ego, and one was a just plain failure in some aptitude tests. But then both of the 2 job offers which had been buried already came back and I took one of them after 21 months. I had lost my patience after a year of working as the job I was doing was not very satisfying, to me. Anyways, I have written a huge lot of text on this blog about Recession and things. Read the bonus section below for the full circle part.
Basically, I have a decade of Work Experience now. Being a not-so-much-of-a-risk-taking-computer-engineer (that is leaving my job and becoming a full-time graphic designer, starting a company, a writer, a blogger, and a traveler), I’ve mostly been working in the Information Technology companies. A part of the first ever job was also being an artist as well but it was primarily a menial Photoshop HTML job. Since 2010, it has been pretty much similar sort of experience but fortunately, I have got the opportunity to work on a variety of software, some new technologies and came across a variety of people.
If I were to summarize these 10 years, I would do this through the following few points:
Time Flies
It does. I have grown 10 years older in no time. I still feel that 90s were a decade ago while they aren’t. When you work for a full day and days are almost the same, you cease to remember the details. I vividly remember last days of college but I only faintly remember last days of companies in which I had worked.
People are generally nice
Surprisingly yes. And may be it depends on how nice you are to them yourself. Have there been bad experiences? Yes but rarely. I have been fortunate enough to always work with people who have been good to me. Thank You people!
Not everyone puts their best efforts
When we complain about how less we are getting paid, we never tell how less or more we have worked for it. Of course, the rate at which our expenses grow, our salary doesn’t. Should I be earning a lot more than what I am doing? Hell yes! But do I always give my best, at everything I do? Not all the time. I try my best but I have not really reached the peak of my productivity yet. So haven’t you so stop complaining and start doing.
Some risks should have been taken
Any regrets? Who has time for regrets? Just move on and continue doing the work. Keep learning and continue acting on it. Were there some risks I should have taken? Like becoming a professional designers? I don’t know. I could have known only after doing it. But that would have mean not being responsible for some people. Taking a financial risk is always difficult than advising someone to do so. But I haven’t stopped earning from the designing work I did in the past, yet. Which means, if one has a hobby and one cannot risk their jobs for that, one still has time to pursue it.
I hope we will have more posts like this after 5, 10 and so on years later.
Bonus Section
Before I started studying Computer Science, I had appeared for an Engineering Entrance Exam for a relatively popular engineering college. I didn’t clear that exam though. That was sometime back in 2004. 14 years later and after a decade of working, I got an opportunity to go to the same engineering college and recruit students from there. This was my first time interviewing anyone. I should write about this in detail soon. Till then, it was a small victory, I guess. *punching-air-emoji*
We have just crossed the mid-way of the year 2018 and are in the proverbial Half-Time period. I thought of pausing and reflecting on the journey so far in the year 2018, so the following in an effort at that.
As it is pretty clear, I didn’t live up to the promise of writing a blog post every day. I had totally intended to write at least something every day but even on the free-er days, I didn’t. So, I am going to write, in simple points on how do I feel about things after the first half of 2018 getting over in this post itself.
Good Habits are difficult to sustain
I tried a lot of things from the beginning of this year to date. Some of them and their outcomes follows:
Blogging Daily – I couldn’t do it. Reasons and excuses are many but they are not important. Can I do it? Certainly yes. Will I try again? Of course.
Bullet Journaling – Actually achievable and makes your life better. There is nothing new about journaling and planning your days ahead by writing them down but Ryder Carroll actual made it a lot systematic and formal, yet totally customizable. I started off by jotting out 5-6 things I wanted to accomplish every day before leaving for office. This was not done on an app, but I sat down and wrote them in a small notebook which could be carried without any hassle. Once I got through the planned activities, I could strike them off or if I couldn’t, I could postpone them to next day or any other suitable day. This is a good way of planning and executing. Believe me, writing things on paper and then striking them off gives you a sense of calm and helps build confidence which apps cannot. I did stop doing this when few things happened in life. But I can restart any day. And let Any day = Today. Restarting it right away! See, pausing and reflecting helps!
Toastmasters – I finished my Advanced Communication Bronze module in this May. This means I delivered 7 advanced communication speeches in 5 months this year. I learned a lot of Storytelling and Speaking to Inform and it helped build my confidence in Public Speaking further. I am now going to try to new educational program called Pathways. I haven’t set a goal yet but I do see myself finishing at least till Level 3 of this. Oh, and I made my club win the Best Social Media presence award this year out of 200 odd clubs. IFTTT rocks.
Health – I think right now I am the fattest I ever have been. My weight has been consistent since last 2 years but this time I felt the fat. So, I stopped eating sugar a few weeks back and now even after starting it again in last 2 weeks, but in lesser quantities, I don’t feel the fat. The bottom line is, I need to do more about this and continue to cut the sugar out of life.
Reading Books – When one habit derails, all the other good habits around that also derail. My Book Reading spree came to a halt but all is not lost. Let’s begin again, shall we?
All of the above also helped me end my Social Media stint. It is easy if you try.
Life is fragile
And you must handle it with care. People generally overlook problematic things in life and take everything for granted. We have limited time and it should be told to everyone every day. This year, I have been through some experiences which were the 1st time for me. To be very precise and not melodramatic, it can be summed up in 2 points.
I sat in an Ambulance for the first time for a relative who was being rushed to the hospital after collapsing suddenly. I delivered the news of the person in the ambulance passing away to the kin by myself. The passing away part happened in seconds, right before my eyes, without me even realizing it that it had happened. It happened so fast that I couldn’t even gather any thoughts about it before or after. It just taught me one thing that the transition between being alive and being dead is so small that if understood, a lot of us unnecessary efforts about unnecessary things can be avoided.
I had to experience a very close family member being diagnosed with cancer. All I could do is to motivate and instill all the positiveness I could. The family member is still fighting the battle and I hope and I wish the battle is won.
The above 2 points are so contradictory and ironical that I don’t have any conclusion about the dilemma that should we worry about death or should we let it be?
New Chapter in Life
Just a handful of days ago, I entered my 4th chapter in life if we divide life into a group of years for simplicity’s sake. Considering, we live first 0-13 years as kids and then things change. We live next 10 years i.e. 14-23 towards really jumping on to the career-building education bandwagon and then eventually crafting our careers and setting the tone for the life ahead. After 24 or 25, we reach a position where we do have a faint idea what of what we can accomplish and what we cannot (I know some people are more determined than others, and some don’t know what they want till they’re 60 too. So, I am just presenting my way of looking at age). After 30 or 32 years of life, you actually think that you know a lot and now you could give life-advises to people. Like this blog post. So, I am in that zone now. Sigh.
Alright, Half-Time Up! The 2nd half has started already and time is running out. We have some goals left in 2018 to be attempted. All the best to all those who have goals!
It doesn’t matter how long it is. What matters is how powerful it is. Is it a weak one, moderate one or so strong that it is almost unbreakable?
I am talking about passwords, of course. Here’s a short story about it:
Location: Basement of a friend’s house.
Date: Sometime in the late 90s or early 2000s, when not everyone had a personal computer or a phone. So yes, long ago!
So, I was in school and one of my friends had just bought a new shiny personal computer. A couple of more friends and I had come to witness the beauty. Although, it was not like we weren’t familiar with computers. I am not a Dinosaur but it was still a good thing to have one for personal use. And to show off.
We were happily enjoying it and randomly surfing the applications and The Internet (using Dial-up connection so anything which opened was a bonus). Then, the friend who owned the computer got a call from his mother. So, he locked the computer and went away. He told us not to try passwords else it would get locked after few failed attempts. Yada, yada, yada and he went upstairs.
Once he went away, we thought of trying the available attempts. We ran our minds to guess what the password could have been! One friend suggested the house’s fixed line number, another suggested his nickname. I just typed in few letters and voila! It had got unlocked. I didn’t do anything special of course as I had just typed in the name of his suspected crush. Poor fellow, now this had got doubly confirmed. He returned and saw us chuckling and giggling. He then blasted us for this mischief but couldn’t do much as we were already into splits and we ended up laughing our guts out for next 30 minutes or so. (We were still in school then and young boys as you know, are idiots).
Moral of the story is that almost everyone had a password which could be socially engineered out of them if you knew about the person a bit. I can recall one more instance when I asked a friend about some name and could log into his account by using the forgot password option. Easily! But, don’t worry, I am not that evil and I didn’t do anything bad after logging in as I was such a saint that I told the friend that it was a cakewalk to hack your account. Better up your passwords game. He didn’t talk to me for few days though.
Nothing much has changed since then. People still use easy words as their passwords. Moreover, due to the exponential increase in applications we use, the number of passwords to remember has also gone really high and difficult to manage. There are surely many good password manager tools but then someone has to set master password eventually. And if that’s done, again you are doomed. With growing worries about UID and possibility of data being sold/hacked or compromised, we should ideally be more concerned about our privacy, than we are right now.
I remember one instance when there was a conference call happening with screens being shared. One of the participants had to share the screen. Before the person could switch on to the application to display, a notepad app was visible by chance. It had all the passwords for all the things one could imagine, written down and visible for over 2 minutes.
Fact is, however strong your password is, if you cannot remember it and depend on writing it down somewhere, the cause is lost. If we move towards biometrics completely, there will still be some scope of hacking. Rather, if you remember the passwords properly and they are really random, nobody can hack it or it becomes very difficult. Unless they kidnap you and you have to tell it at a gunpoint.
So, what’s your password? Still your crush’s name? C’mon both of you have already got married, to separate people. Change it to something better people!!
If you want my personal opinion, change your password to some name of the person you hate and add your date of birth to it in random fashion and then add a character which you think is of no use being on the keyboard.
Here are two comics from XKCD about passwords for your enjoyment.
To anyone who understands information theory and security and is in an infuriating argument with someone who does not (possibly involving mixed case), I sincerely apologize.
It’ll be hilarious the first few times this happens.