- Phone fully charged – Check.
- Laptop fully charged and plugged in – Check.
- Pen and few back up pens – Check.
- Scientific Calculator (which has somehow got so advanced that I have forgotten the usage but is still there for moral support) – Check.
- A4 Sized Sheets – Check.
- WebCam (do we still call it that?) – Check.
- Network Connection – Check.
- Mind Ready for Taking the Exam Online with your WebCam On and with lukewarm preparation – Ch… No!
Category Archives: experiences
Fancy Vs Ordinary
I have a few potted plants in my balcony. I am not a gardening-is-my-hobby-person but I do tend to them once a day, nurture them occasionally by adding some manure and place them in whatever sun we get. They give a nice ambiance to the small space. There’s nothing better than waking up and observing their growth, isn’t it! Especially since lockdown, this has become a regular practice.
Arguing Online
“When you waste time in watching a bad movie or arguing with people, you appear as if you believe that you have an ample amount of time in life and also possibly believe in life after death and rebirth.”
– Sam Harris
The same is true for arguments done online.
Continue reading “Arguing Online”Work From Home Woes
In today’s episode of World Famous Program: Work From Home Woes, we will discuss the arrangement of our Work Desk.
I am pretty good at directions (I think). If someone asks me the directions, I can quickly take out my phone and open Google Maps and tell them. While working from home for 6 months now, directions have become quite a distraction. Where to direct attention and how for how long has been a particularly painful problem!
Continue reading “Work From Home Woes”Seeing Things Live
Sanjay Mishra’s character Rajesh Bauji in the movie Aankhon Dekhi has an epiphany one day. He declares that he will believe in only those things which he would see himself. If he has not seen something, he won’t trust anyone else telling him about it. He has to see it himself to believe it.
Now, that’s one way of looking at things. Another way is to see things Live on TV and believe them to be true like we all do. (WWE can be excused! Undertaker did die and returned 7 times.)
Continue reading “Seeing Things Live”Create Something Daily
I don’t want to brag but I might. There was a time when I used to ship one item daily of anything, be it a blog post, or a photoshopped collage, or a minimalist poster, or just something visually appealing (to me i.e.). That leads to mostly positive results.
One: when you do anything creative, you feel productive, you imagine vividly, you sleep better, and the next day you are charged up to create more.
Two: You have absolutely no idea where will your creativity reach thanks to the Internet (and it might inspire someone to take it and do wonders with it). If done with positive intent, it might end up bringing smiles to an unknown quarter. And, after years when you realize that your creativity brought some joy to someone else, even if it is minuscule, it fills your chest with pride.
I was just going through ‘Rasode mein kaun tha’s creator Yashraj Mukhate’s Instagram. There I noticed this:
For the uninitiated, it’s from: https://minimalmovieposters.in/post/23555118591/gangs-of-wasseypur-2012-by-ab-ps-based-on
Similarly, I found this one day. It had published one Photograph I had taken:
Bottom line is, no matter you get credit or not, if you create something daily, it will be good in long run. As they say:
Perfection is the enemy of good.
p.s.: This book.
Finding Time
I generally take pride in the fact that I can do many things at a time. I don’t claim to be a multi-tasker, because I don’t think that is possible to focus on multiple things together. I just mean that I could balance work, enjoy things in life, delve wholeheartedly into hobbies, and keep up health without much hassle.
All that belief has got shaken up in 2020 due to obvious reasons. Not only I find it considerably difficult to find time to finish given work, but I have also gone so far from my hobbies that I might resort to writing ‘Watching movies and playing Cricket’ in my resume which would be an utter lie.
When people say that they don’t have time, we often mock them that they aren’t really sincere so they are finding excuses. But the fact of the matter is that we also need to understand their state of mind. Everyone has the same 24 hours but how taxing are the 9-10 work hours, how many other responsibilities have got subsided due to workload so they are always busy catching up, and how much the will is left in the person to pursue anything else, is a thing to consider. (And how lazy they are if they really are procrastinating all the time.)
All it boils down to priorities. If someone really prioritizes family time over their work or hobbies, it is their choice and it will have its own implication and vice versa. Right now everyone has been affected in some way or the other but results originating from this time will have their impacts in the future.
At the moment, I tell myself that I really don’t have time. I mean I don’t have time to write blogs and writing gives me clarity. I seriously need to work on it. I think if we start by admitting that we need to make an effort, we are on the right track. Acting on it is next.
Featured Photo by Kunj Parekh on Unsplash