No Words, really!

Yesterday in India, 90,000 Covid-19 positive cases were recorded. That makes India the country with the 2nd highest number of cases in the world. We read the stat counter for Active Cases, Recovered, and Deceased, on a daily basis. All these numbers, figures, and statistics seem to be just ‘distant news’ for us till the time you hear about someone close enough that you realize the gravity of the situation.

Continue reading “No Words, really!”

Work From Home Woes

In today’s episode of World Famous Program: Work From Home Woes, we will discuss the arrangement of our Work Desk.

I am pretty good at directions (I think). If someone asks me the directions, I can quickly take out my phone and open Google Maps and tell them. While working from home for 6 months now, directions have become quite a distraction. Where to direct attention and how for how long has been a particularly painful problem!

Continue reading “Work From Home Woes”

Seeing Things Live

Sanjay Mishra’s character Rajesh Bauji in the movie Aankhon Dekhi has an epiphany one day. He declares that he will believe in only those things which he would see himself. If he has not seen something, he won’t trust anyone else telling him about it. He has to see it himself to believe it.

Now, that’s one way of looking at things. Another way is to see things Live on TV and believe them to be true like we all do. (WWE can be excused! Undertaker did die and returned 7 times.)

Continue reading “Seeing Things Live”

Sorry and Thank you!

No sorry, no thank you in friendship

– Prem

The golden lines were said by Salman Khan in the movie ‘Maine Pyar Kiya’ to Bhagyashree whom he fancied as his girlfriend and then his wife (important because of Rajshri!). That ruined the basic courtesy people had got left in them till that point and since then it has only declined further.

Call me a mood-spoiler but I am not necessarily a big fan of special days for special things. Today for instance is ‘Michchhāmi Dukkaḍaṃ (मिच्छामि दुक्कडम्)’, a Jainism related day on which people ask for forgiveness for any kind of unintentional or intentional misdeeds they might or might not have committed. Same way, there’s Thanksgiving in the US. It is intended to be thankful and shows gratitude to others.

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

As we know, people are mightly clever as they may think that saying sorry for one day gives them the right to be a nuisance on other days. (As they say after partaking 1000 rats, the cat went on pilgrimage.) Anyways nowadays Sneezing is capital punishment but if I sneeze and then say sorry to the other person, who is currently busy in sanitizing herself or himself (and reporting me to authorities), will my sorry even matter?

Photo by Pro Church Media on Unsplash

Or saying Thank you for trivial things like keeping the door open for the person coming behind you (which is considered a big deal). That’s so basic that if not done, that should itself call for name-calling bluntly. The other day, kids were playing Badminton outside my apartment and the shuttlecock fell into my balcony. I gave it back to them instantly but then they went on with their business without Thank You. For an instant, I was almost about to thank then instead for not shouting “Uncle, can you please throw the cock back?”. Then there’s money involved too. The gravity of thanks for gifts received also depends on how heavy the gift is and how big the box is. But where will this confusing monstrosity end? Till we have special days for special things, this won’t change.

That’s all! Thank you for reading. Sorry for making you read.

Create Something Daily

I don’t want to brag but I might. There was a time when I used to ship one item daily of anything, be it a blog post, or a photoshopped collage, or a minimalist poster, or just something visually appealing (to me i.e.). That leads to mostly positive results.

One: when you do anything creative, you feel productive, you imagine vividly, you sleep better, and the next day you are charged up to create more.

Two: You have absolutely no idea where will your creativity reach thanks to the Internet (and it might inspire someone to take it and do wonders with it). If done with positive intent, it might end up bringing smiles to an unknown quarter. And, after years when you realize that your creativity brought some joy to someone else, even if it is minuscule, it fills your chest with pride.

I was just going through ‘Rasode mein kaun tha’s creator Yashraj Mukhate’s Instagram. There I noticed this:

For the uninitiated, it’s from:

Similarly, I found this one day. It had published one Photograph I had taken:

Antilia in Making

Bottom line is, no matter you get credit or not, if you create something daily, it will be good in long run. As they say:

Perfection is the enemy of good.

p.s.: This book.

So I recently watched: The Big Bang Theory

That’s my spot!

You might say, so what’s the big deal in that? But the only deal is that I had stopped watching it after its 5th or 6th season because of forced laughter track and not so funny jokes, and had moved over to grittier shows involving 4 even nerdier and crazier boys (i.e. South Park).

But I resumed it after a gap of over 5 years and finally finished watching all the remaining seasons of the 12 seasons show.

I returned to TBBT as it was still the good old sitcom and it revolved around somethings I find interesting as a fellow nerd;

  1. Science (mostly physics because other sciences are boring)
  2. Comics / Superheroes
  3. A little eccentricity or awkwardness which comes out either like arrogance or creepiness, relatable right!
  4. The intrinsic desire to Mansplain things
  5. Creating such lists

TBBT was the first English TV show I watched which opened a box of so much other consumable content I used to find off-putting. It had many factors which most Engineering graduates would find relatable.

Despite all the tropes, if you stick with the show, it turns out to be the good old TV comedy which you can go back to.