part one I whispered to you the name of the place, where we could meet in solace. It wasn’t between the right or the wrong, it was rather right there all along. You hinted to me that you understood, or at least I thought that you would. It wasn’t very distant, rather it was prettyContinue reading “If all goes well”
She clicked the link and the page started to download. As soon as something legible appeared on the screen, her eyes lit up like the laptop screen which brightens up when the charger is plugged into it for charging. After all, she was on this site after ages. (In modern era, ‘ages’ is actually inContinue reading “Boomerang!”
The World is Round (if you see it from my i)
I don’t know if it is just me but I find that people who wear Circular Lenses/ Round Frames/ Windsor Spectacles, turn out to be revolutionaries. Time and again, someone came up with this kind of glasses and people went crazy for them. And this has happened across cultures. I need not mention the achievementsContinue reading “The World is Round (if you see it from my i)”
What are you looking at Mister?
Waking up is the most difficult part in their lives, there is no doubt about it. More than 24 hours in a day, they have always tried to fit. Eyes groggily tell the story of every night. Waking up till late to complete the daily tasks, important and unimportant, but no one understands their plight.Continue reading “What are you looking at Mister?”
Open Letters for Open Letters
Hello Open Letter Writers! How are you? I am in pink of my health here and hope the same for you. This is my first open letter. Not that I don’t know how to write letters but I was bit conservative to write an open letter. I didn’t bother to write one anyways because LettersContinue reading “Open Letters for Open Letters”
Formula 1 in India
So after much thought and approvals and preparations, F1 is actually coming to India. And that deserves a wow. From being a non-existing entity in Motor sport, and then to have a F1 team ‘Force India’ and then to actually have the Indian Grand Prix is an amazing feat. Not only it will do aContinue reading “Formula 1 in India”
Dear Photographers To Be
This is a closed letter. Only people who like to click pictures should read this. This is strictly for those who have a Facebook album called ‘Random’. Exactly written for those kind of people who call themselves anything from Newbies to Rookies to Amateur and, after a while, even Professionals. Totally cool. This is forContinue reading “Dear Photographers To Be”