Has it ever happened to you when you took a turn anticipating less traffic but ended up getting stuck with no turning back? Now, when you have taken the turn you decide to continue with it, albeit with a sore mood. DC, with its movies, is at a similar crossroad/junction where it knows that itContinue reading “So I recently watched: Justice League”
So I recently read: ‘Faster than Normal’
This is going to be weird. Although the book ‘Faster than Normal’ is about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or popularly known as ADHD and how to make it work for you, by a renowned Author, Speaker, Ironman Triathlon Athlete, Podcaster, etc. named Peter Shankman, the title might also be my own Tagline, if I doContinue reading “So I recently read: ‘Faster than Normal’”
What’s Social Media for you?
What’s Social Media for you? A place to connect with friends and like-minded people? Right. That’s the original definition though which was somewhat true a few years ago. What is it now really? A place where your friends and like-minded people give their opinions all day long. A place where your friends (read acquaintances) andContinue reading “What’s Social Media for you?”
The Stinking Attack of Nostalgia
It was Saturday morning. I was in a Cab traveling to a distant part of the city. The Driver had put the radio On and it was playing songs in Kannada in very low volume. By now, I have developed a mental system of phasing out sounds on the road which I cannot easily comprehendContinue reading “The Stinking Attack of Nostalgia”
If you wake me up at 3AM in the night and ask me do I love Google? My answer would be, without flinching an eye, YES, Of course I love Google. Also, you should not wake me up at 3AM. But coming back to the topic at hand, I indeed love Google and its products.Continue reading “Ungoogled”
Year 2017 End Post, or is it?
New Year Resolutions are something which I never pay attention to. They’re not for me. I stopped thinking long-term a while back and took life as it came. That worked most of the time but there are times for which one should also be prepared. But if I have to rate no-long-term-thinking-theory, it would stillContinue reading “Year 2017 End Post, or is it?”
So I recently read: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris
So I recently read Tools of Titans: The Tactics, Routines and Habits of Billionaires, Icons and World-Class Performers by Timothy Ferris or better known as Tim Ferris. Tim is mostly known as an investor, a podcaster, a motivational speaker, an author of multiple best-selling books and a few more things to top all that. Tools ofContinue reading “So I recently read: Tools of Titans by Tim Ferris”