Speak to Inform Project 2: Resources for Informing The following is my speech for the Project 2 of Speak to Inform Advanced Communication Manual. I spoke about a topic which I have interest in; Photography. [Opening] Fellow Toastmasters and welcomed guests, a very good afternoon to one and all! Show of hands please, how manyContinue reading “Toastmasters ACB Speak to Inform 2 : Clicking Better”
Blog Speed Breaker Update
When I blogged/ declared/shouted from the mountaintop, that I was going to blog every single day this year, I was pretty sure that I won’t be able to do that. *Wink* Life is too smart you know! Still, I wanted to try. So, barring few weekend breaks for leisure and life, I posted last onContinue reading “Blog Speed Breaker Update”
How to look cool with cool Spectacles
Back in 2011, I wrote this: The World is Round. It was not only badly written obit for Steve Jobs but also very vague. Not that I have improved a great deal since then but I will go ahead and write another post about glasses. I have been wearing Glasses or Spectacles since 2001 as IContinue reading “How to look cool with cool Spectacles”
Shoot for the moon
In case you have been following this blog lately and have noticed a break in the blogging streak so early, please note that I was out vacationing and all. So, kindly excuse. I said I will blog almost daily. 1-2 days off in between should be okay, I guess! A few days ago, I cameContinue reading “Shoot for the moon”
Last Presidential Address
The script for my last presidential address at my Toastmasters Club. I didn’t deliver it exactly as the script but you can still read it for free: Today is my last Presidential Address. Please don’t cry at the end of the speech. For the last 25 odd Toastmasters Meetings, I used to prepare something forContinue reading “Last Presidential Address”
Saying Thanks
This question might sound rhetorical but please tell me how many of you buy things online? Have you read the order confirmation email when you receive it? Doesn’t it sound so automated and without any emotion right? There was/is a company which used to sell CDs online. When someone used to order CDs, they usedContinue reading “Saying Thanks”
Skin Whitening Shit
Whether you were near or away from the Equator, You ought to have the tone which you assumed to be better You tried to apply balm, creams, multi-colored ointments, Still, you couldn’t get rid of the obvious resentments Did you think it was NOT because of the color of your skin? Or your short-sightedness orContinue reading “Skin Whitening Shit”