Some days ago, I read about a Banker, who was once a student from not a very well-to-do family. When he got admission as a student at BIT, Mesra, he didn’t have money to travel for the counseling. One of his teachers lent him Rs. 500. The student couldn’t be happier. Later, when he triedContinue reading “Paying Back”
FU News: Human Neck to get longer, evolution study reports
Oct 11, 2020 – Tawang, India In a throat grabbing study published by the unscientific group ‘Evolution World Wide’ (aka Eww), it was noted that the next version of Humans will have longer necks, as long as evolution stays as a fact.
So I recently watched: The Boys
Brash. Brutal. Brouhaha! I have seen Superhero themed TV shows and movies in abundance by now. There have been amazing openings in numerous shows which hooked you from the word go. But there has been no show which opened like ‘The Boys’. Within the first 5 to 6 minutes, you are introduced to the QueenContinue reading “So I recently watched: The Boys”
Desperate House-Husbands
Let’s directly talk about the Elephant in the room. Has anyone ever spared any thoughts about Husbands who are still stuck at homes while their wives go to office daily if the wives work in the Essential Services Industries (can have acronym Esi., but jobs aren’t that easy, of course)? I doubt! House-Husbands (in theseContinue reading “Desperate House-Husbands”
Charity Conundrum
About a decade ago, there was a certain period when I was unemployed and the level of frustrations was at an all-time high. There were very few jobs available and the future was unclear. One day, I was in a market out for some chores. There I met a fakeer (not exactly a beggar, butContinue reading “Charity Conundrum”
In Steven Pinker’s book, The Language Instinct, (How the Mind Creates Language), I came across this interestingly mentioned thing which had me in splits (figuratively): “George Bernard Shaw complained that fish could just as sensibly be spelled ghoti (gh as in tough, o as in women, ti as in nation)—and that only institutional”. English isContinue reading “Ghoti”
There’s never a free lunch
While the Internet and Tech World is an allegedly-free-buffet of delicacies, the number of choices we have, revolves around only a handful of flavors. We are so much accustomed to fighting over Android and iOS, we haven’t realized that these are the only 2 choices we have today. We do have other choices, but theyContinue reading “There’s never a free lunch”