Just in front of my apartment, every day around noon, a bunch of kids play gully Cricket. More than the actual play, they indulge in shouting in a shrill high-pitched cacophony. Now, I am not one of those who get disturbed by it, rather I appreciate them playing instead of doing infinite scrolling. Guessing byContinue reading “Some Change is Good”
So I recently read: ‘Your Life in Weeks’ on WaitButWhy.com
I generally don’t think long-term. I do have ambitions and I have a general plan but there is no more irksome question than “Where do you see yourself after 5 years?”. Memes about this question being asked in 2015 are already aplenty. All your plans, goals, and targets crumble as soon as a personal calamityContinue reading “So I recently read: ‘Your Life in Weeks’ on WaitButWhy.com”
Tomorrow would be better
Diwali isn’t the same when the first thing you hear is that half of your family is coping with the C thing. Your stomach feels weird and taste feels weirder when your loved ones suffer. Of course, I won’t be the first one and the last one to feel this as whole humankind of goingContinue reading “Tomorrow would be better”
Festivities in 2020
A few days ago, I attended a birthday party of my 2-year-old nephew on Zoom. As expected, it was beautiful but chaotic. Most of the guests (their age ranged from 2-year-olds to 75-year-olds) were using Zoom for the first time. At least they hadn’t attended with so many participants. But it was the only wayContinue reading “Festivities in 2020”
Final Word on Crackers on Diwali
Let’s give it a try. By not bursting firecrackers this time? I know it is a cliche but have we really given it a go, completely ever? Obviously, I cannot force or coerce anyone. I am just thinking out loud. What if, the next morning of Diwali, roads look a bit cleaner, devoid of whiteContinue reading “Final Word on Crackers on Diwali”
Simple doesn’t mean easy
The Hacker’s Diet starts with this passage: There’s an old Wall Street Tale: a tyro asks an old-timer, “How do you make money in the market?” The wise man answers, “Nothing could be simpler: buy low, sell high“. The beginner asks, “How can I learn to do that?”. The sage responds, “Ahhh… that takes aContinue reading “Simple doesn’t mean easy”
Sound Check
In your head you might have a baritone of a voice. But in actuality, you might sound like a whistle. Anyways, I sound exactly like what I picture myself sounding like: Fast, Hyper, and somewhat sparky. I got an opportunity to talk about Blogging on a Podcast recently. On the go gyaan, is a relativelyContinue reading “Sound Check”