I am writing daily since end of August 2020. But I didn’t post anything on November 23, 2020. That’s about 90 days straight of blogging. But I missed one day. I broke the streak. Was I too busy? No. Was I too depressed? No. Was I too stressed? No. It just happened. I guess, sameContinue reading “A Day Off”
Malady Moods
It’s often a point of debate (please correct me if I am wrong): What’s more painful? Delivery of a baby by a female or a full blown blow at the main point of a male?Nevertheless, we might never know unless you’re a hermaphrodite human (and still be unlucky to get kicked right in the nuts).Continue reading “Malady Moods”
10 Notes from last few Days
Constantly running around just for taking Oximeter reading of everyone. Pulse rapidly changing just in anticipation of seeing the right ratings. Spending loads of time just to figure out which medicine to take when, how many dosages done, how many tablets remaining. Confusion is lessened as almost everyone is being given similar treatment. Encouraging theContinue reading “10 Notes from last few Days”
Changing Perspectives
This is one powerful message to change perspectives.
Testing Times
I anticipated but didn’t expect that Covid would hit my family. It has. Times are testing now and we have to battle it out. 7 people in my family are positive. 2 of the 7 are in hospital. Wear your masks right! I will be back.
The Pen is, of course, mightier than the Sword
I like Etymology as Science. Words of any language evolve and take shapes and forms of their own which might mean a lot different than the source. One word which is interesting to me is ‘Pen’. The word ‘pen’ is derived from Middle English pen, penne (like Pasta) which meant “enclosure for animals”, or basicallyContinue reading “The Pen is, of course, mightier than the Sword”
Social Media ID Portability, a thought
We already have MNP or mobile number portability in India. That is, the ability to keep the same phone number but freely moving across different Service Providers. That helps us to choose the best plan for ourselves and keeps the Service Provider companies’ exorbitant price hikes in-check. We also have multiple Cloud Services providers, DataContinue reading “Social Media ID Portability, a thought”