It’s often a point of debate (please correct me if I am wrong): What’s more painful? Delivery of a baby by a female or a full blown blow at the main point of a male?Nevertheless, we might never know unless you’re a hermaphrodite human (and still be unlucky to get kicked right in the nuts).
Everyone reacts to pain and sickness in different manner. Some who might be suffering more, may react as if nothing is wrong. Some who are mildly affected, may react as if all hell has broken down. If the period gets elongated, the equations might change.
Recent times has given me a good sample of reactions. I guess, people who express their pain and those who hide it, are equal in numbers. What matters is that how much knowledge they gain after the episode. Some learn their lessons, some don’t. And then there are some, who become ‘Experts’.
Many of you must have received this. A wordplay on Covid and Idiot.
Let me just add another word to your vocab:
A stupid person of Indian origin who does things only idiot Indians would do. ‘Don’t burst crackers in your hand, you indiot!‘
A stupid Indian person who doesn’t follow rules, meant for their own safety. ‘Helmets are not meant for elbows! Don’t be an indiot you fool…’
Here’s one more word for you:
A super idiotic Indian person who has no regard for his or her own safety in times of Covid-19 ‘What kind of covindiot are you? Don’t you understand social distancing? What were you doing playing kabbaddi with strangers on the main road on the day of Janta Curfew?’
I am not going to share any scientific gyaan but just few tweets in order to make my point.
India reported fewer than 300 cases of CV-19 today … in the entire country of 1.3 BILLION people.
If you don't see that CV-19 is out of control in India, you're just not paying attention. More people will die here than anywhere else in the world.
While I was super pumped to stand in the balcony, clap for our doctors, health workers and essential services personnel. I felt a sense of togetherness genuinely after 2011 World Cup Victory. But all my sense of gratitude turned into anger against the Covindiots.
The problem with Indians is that only 1% of us are such fools. But 1% of 1.3 Billion is 13000000 or more.
We cannot even facepalm now because there’s a chance of infection.
Well, it’s just a thought based on the event which, as we speak, has happened to Jaipur. The fire at the IOC Depot! Just for the fans of yours truly, here are some fun facts. The place Sitapura which is seeing the fire is the place I have spent 4 years of mine. My college is hardly 3 Km away from the Depot. There are in fact about 25 educational institutes including 16-17 Engineering colleges. To make matter worse, there are 2 more depots. One of them carrying LPG! But they are at a safe distance. No more worries.
I swear by solved University exam papers book that every bloody engineer who is or has been out there wished that this would happen to my/their college instead of the depot. I hope the same but I hope no human should be there when that day comes. Anyways, there was a certain report in the newspaper yesterday. It went like this:
“The garden was within the 3 Km range of the IOC Oil Depot. The ‘baraat’ had just entered the premises. The groom with all his ‘laare lashkaares’ was moving forward to have his seat, right there at the podium. Suddenly a bright flashy orange light appeared which turned the dark sky almost into a day. Within milliseconds they heard the deafening sound of a blast. Without seeing any ‘aav-taav’, everybody ran! People had realized that it was something big. Although, they were quite far away and were all safe, still, everyone loved their respective lives. The groom who was about to swear to be with the bride for continuous 7 births without fail ran for his own life. He just ran, and did not care about anything, forgetting his yet to be wife.“
Even if you have missed the last lines rhyme, the moral of the story is as simple as understanding politicians’ strategy: <in Hulk Hogan voice> When you are in trouble what you will do? Watchya gonna do brother? Watchya gonna do?
We all boast about how much we love our close ones. We can do anything for the people we love. Really? Do we? God forbid, if one has fallen into some big-time life-threatening trouble along with some loved ones, I am sure sometimes think that people go to save their own lives first. So idiotic to believe that but you tend to lose confidence in the world as you grow up. Without being controversial, I would go on to say that even people in the army will do that. What I mean is this, suppose you are a hot-blooded jawan ready to do anything for the motherland, anything for the country, take 100 lives or give yourselves away. If by chance, a situation arises when you have choices to make to either save yourself or save an unknown civilian person which you hardly know. Will you save him/her? Obviously, you should and you will give your 100% to bring back the needy one out of the threat. But will you give your life away for him? Out of a million, one may be patriotic enough to give his life for the motherland. I don’t think many people do that. Personally, I believe that giving life away to do something is the stupidest thing human life form can think of. That explanation will be given in some other post some other day if we live BTW.
Everybody comes across traffic accidents. If you haven’t come across, I wish you stay safe and you never come across any accident forever. However, how many of us will stop and take the victim to the hospital. How many of you will help an old lady to cross the road? Do people make big comments about their friendships and what not? How many keep their word? To about 95% of the human race, their own life comes first. Then comes the very close ones and then comes the worry about the money, honey!
I wish I am wrong. People still do help others.
This is the view from the roof of my house on 31st Oct. 2009 6:30 PM. I live 12 Km away and its been 2 nights and 1 day.