There are mysterious Monoliths showing up at various places across the world. Then they disappear without any hoopla.

They show up. They create suspense whether they are alien, or they’re some prank, or they’re naturally occurring, or they serve no purpose, or Banksy is the culprit, or an art installation, or bad welding show-off. We don’t really know. That’s quintessential 2020 then and there.
Then they disappear. Some people say people have been seen taking them down and cleaning all the traces. No video has been surfaced yet of installation or removal.
I think there is a lesson in it. Actually, there is none. And that’s the lesson that some things do show up and then they disappear. They leave no clue but only conspiracy theories.They can create mystery and might damage things. Or they might not.
One can’t understand everything. That’s the beauty of it.
Be like a Monolith in some stranger’s life. Or don’t. Who cares!
Here are my renditions of Monoliths from 2001: A Space Odyssey