Movies like Nolan’s The Prestige, nowadays most coveted car company The Elon Musk’s Tesla and this comic by Oatmeal, all tell us one thing: Nikola Tesla was one of the major pioneers in modern-day science but he was, at large, underrated. He was an impactful geek who was overshadowed by flash, edgy, and publicity-hungry Thomas Alva Edison. Did you also know that Nikola Tesla was not always a humble servant of science himself, as we believe nowadays? He was indeed the inventor of the system of electricity that we use without noticing. But he was also known to sign things not with his name but with the letters “GI.” (GI here means “Great Inventor.”)
Continue reading “AC vs DC”Author Archives: Abhinav Bhatt
FU News: Studies reveal Men from Mars and Women from Venus a Truth
FU News Science Team Secret Report from NASA Laboratories ((European Alps), the Equator)
After a highly confidentially conducted experiment, lasting for 10000s of years, scientists have come to a startling conclusion. You might have to sit down for this.
The statement,
“Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus”
, hold your breath, is true. That’s the reason that they both are totally different species as they are from totally different planets. The differences have always been stark but there has always been a pull among the two like there is some sort of gravitational attraction. That is weird but in a way that is just simple but sometimes complex as well as are all the other attractions.
Continue reading “FU News: Studies reveal Men from Mars and Women from Venus a Truth”So I recently read: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant
The Internet is full of vast amounts of knowledge and it keeps on bloating itself. We have got access to so much data that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find quality material that you can actually use. Then there are some gems that are available that once you stumble onto, you can not get enough of it.
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant, created, compiled, and edited by Eric Jorgenson is one such gem. This crisp book is one of the best things I stumbled upon this year. In fact, this book is one of the most hopeful pieces of gift or advice one can give oneself in this craptastic of a year.
Continue reading “So I recently read: The Almanack of Naval Ravikant”Emergencies are Temporary
Seth Godin, in his blog wrote such subtle but powerful words.
Those emergencies from a year ago (and a month ago), they’re gone.
Either they were solved, or they became things to live with. But emergencies don’t last. They fade.
Time is such a strong healer.
Why can’t Dosa be home delivered?
One late afternoon in Office Cafeteria, I and some of my colleagues were discussing trivial matters during snack break (mostly Dosa for me and oily deep-fried things (as if Dosa is not) for others) while sipping on coffee and tea. I got a work-related call and while I was busy talking, the hot freshly prepared Dosa cooled down, turned soft, and lost all its charm.
One thought came into mind: So, Dosa has to be eaten immediately otherwise it just dies like a Soft-Dismissal in Cricket. Why can’t Dosa be home delivered in the 21st century? Someone might have read a Tweet about it as well which might have caused the initiation of all this conundrum.
Continue reading “Why can’t Dosa be home delivered?”Criticizing Others
“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone… just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Some people and things do deserve the criticism. Like
- People who don’t wash their hands after using the restroom,
- Newspaper with 100 pages filled with just advertisements,
- People who drive rashly deliberately,
- People who throw garbage on road from their cars,
- Fanboys of anything,
- Motorcycles in which getting to neutral is a pain,
- People who address you as Bro without knowing you,
- Radish,
The list goes on.
But we should, hypothetically at least, put ourselves in others’ place just before putting them down.
Same way, if the other person has not been through what you’ve been through or have never seen loss or failure themselves, we can ignore them.
Photo by Stefan Spassov on Unsplash
Share, if you care
Recently, the Twitter account of India’s PM got hacked by someone who might be a Keanu Reeves fan (who isn’t?!). And, obviously, that’s not the only high profile account which has got compromised in recent history but it keeps happening once in a while. If even the most powerful person in the country is insecure online, think about yourself. Your password would be even easier to break down. It is just Password@123. Right?
Normally, Passwords are somethings we hold very dear. We can share the most personal things with others but not passwords. Some people do share passwords at work for common systems which is highly risky in itself but they will never share passwords of their bank accounts for sure.
Continue reading “Share, if you care”