So I recently read ‘The Complete Maus’

I will get to the point straight. ‘The Complete Maus’ by Art Spiegelman is one of the best things I have ever read. I wonder why didn’t I read it long ago. For those who haven’t, the premise of the graphic novel is that Arthur (the author/illustrator) is talking to his father Vladek Spiegelman throughContinue reading “So I recently read ‘The Complete Maus’”

So I recently read ‘Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman!’

Sometimes you come across some books rather late in life (relatively) and wonder why you didn’t read this earlier! This book is one of those books. ‘Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman’ is an autobiography of sorts. It has chapters from Physicist Dr. Richard Feynman’s earliest days when his curiosity led him to experiment and eventuallyContinue reading “So I recently read ‘Surely You’re Joking Mr. Feynman!’”

Adding my podcast to the millions out there today

Here are all the links for  your consumption (next you know the drill like, share, subscribe) YouTube (All (and only) 6 episodes are available already. Tudum!) On Audio Only Platforms, each episode will be released on Thursday Morning. 1st one is already out: Tools Used Special Thanks to my Toastmasters Club Folks for allowing me toContinue reading “Adding my podcast to the millions out there today”