As I type this, I have in close vicinity, a small human cooing and making the sound of a vehicle applying breaks. It is one of the most inexplicably weird emotions felt as a human – to have another human that is your own doing. That human was (re)produced by me and my wife andContinue reading “So I recently became… A Father”
Do what you can!
I always used to wonder how would people who lived in history felt when they had to undergo some calamity. Natural disasters, Wars, Revolutions, and whatnot. Well, we got the opportunity to face a pandemic during our lifetime as well. Pretty depressing couple of weeks, aren’t they. I just hope and wish that the crisisContinue reading “Do what you can!”
Writer’s Block
I haven’t blogged for 10 days straight. That’s the longest span since I started blogging daily last year. But I didn’t have any writer’s block. I had too much to do with work and the life which remained apart from work left me so tired that I slept like a baby as soon as IContinue reading “Writer’s Block”
Too Small to be Effective?
“If you think you are too small to be effective, you have never been in the dark with a mosquito.”– Betty Reese
Problems vs Solutions
As Sunny Deol said in Border, the word Problem is synonymous with the word Life. Complaining a lot? Read this I had shared the quote in the above post just a couple of months ago. But then I got a chance to complain about certain things. Lately, I realized that harping about problems doesn’t makeContinue reading “Problems vs Solutions”
What’s really natural?
Anything which hasn’t been meddled with by humans yet could be called natural. But everything gets impact by human activities. The remotest place on the planet would have had some impact of things happening elsewhere. El nino and what not! When it comes to food, normally we wouldn’t check ingredients. But there’s a reason thatContinue reading “What’s really natural?”
Ravi and Bhaskar, two teenagers who have keen interest in space, go on a school trip to a Planetarium. While they learn about space and the Solar System, we as audience learn with them. And with that we take a deep dive into the nostalgic TV program Brahmaand of late 1980s and early 1990s. ItContinue reading “Bhrahmaand”