Seth Godin (Google Seth’s Blog) once did this in one of his talks: He asked the audience to raise their right hands. People followed. Then he asked them to raised their hands higher. Surprisingly, almost everyone could raise their hands slightly higher. The act was now obvious. Everyone hesitates. Some of us just hesitate moreContinue reading “Hesitation in us”
Leaky Faucet Theory
Peter Shankman of ‘Faster Than Normal’ says: Think about it (problems) like a leaky faucet that’s overflowing the sink onto your kitchen floor: you could spend all your time constantly cleaning up the water that’s destroying your floor (i.e., fixing the things that happened because a trigger set you off) or you could fix theContinue reading “Leaky Faucet Theory”
So I recently watched: The Trial of the Chicago 7
As I write this, hundreds and hundreds of Farmers are protesting against some new laws about 200-250 KM away from where I am. They are staying almost in open in the night and the winter season is in full flow right now. Almost none of them have masks on by the way. And there haveContinue reading “So I recently watched: The Trial of the Chicago 7”
Pygmalion Placebo
In this post on the A Learning A Day daily blog by Rohan Rajiv the Pygmalion Effect is mentioned. Pygmalion Effect, also called Rosenthal effect, says that if you and everyone around you believe in something, there are more chances of you making it happen. In other words, high expectation lead to better results whileContinue reading “Pygmalion Placebo”
Highs and Lows, Positives and Negatives
Every day we experience positive and negative emotions. They are amplified with the readings on Glucometer, Oximeter, Blood Pressure machine, and what not. Some highs are good, some are scary. Some lows are needed, some lows aren’t. When to give up? Is a question which keeps popping up once in a while each day. ButContinue reading “Highs and Lows, Positives and Negatives”
Complaining a lot? Read this
This has to become THE mantra for anytime things don’t go right: When You Complain, Nobody Wants to Help You. Stephen Hawking
Do you have it in a different Color?
These days, as part of caregiving to folks in my family, I have to visit the pharmaceuticals shop at least once a day. Everyone is slowly improving, thankfully, but the medicines list is never ending. When I go there, I try to stay as outside as possible while people keep flocking in with, and sometimesContinue reading “Do you have it in a different Color?”