Dexter Minimalist Posters

I created Minimal Posters for the Thriller/Drama series Dexter. Since Season 7 is still on air, I have created 6 posters, each for each season. I hope those who have seen it will like these and those who haven’t can relate to these when they happen to watch!

Dexter Season 1

Dexter Season 2

Dexter Season 3

Dexter Season 4

Dexter Season 5

Dexter Season 6


Updating with posters of last 2 seasons as well:

Dexter Season 7
Dexter Season 7
Dexter Season 8
Dexter Season 8

The first poster has been featured in Minimal Movie Posters tumblog.

And all the posters are there on Facebook page of Minimal Movie Posters India.

Love, Wrinkle-Free Post

Ladies and ladies (the only readership of this blog) okay, gentlemen too,

Feeling proud to announce that I got a chance to make official posters (Minimalistic) for the indie movie ‘Love, Wrinkle-Free’ releasing on May 25th. Posting some of the finalized designs here. Don’t forget to watch the movie this weekend in PVR in about 10 cities in India. To know more about Indian indie scene and Love Wrinkle Free, do check out this And let me know which of the following is your favorite:

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