I am not a medical expert but all this year, I have read so much Medical Documentation that I have been giving advises and explanations to everyone (with a caveat that I am not a Doctor). May be it’s my looks or maybe I am worth it. Lolyeah. Googling symptoms doesn’t make you a doctor.
Having said that, reading medication gives one slight idea about how medicine works. In many cases, medicine tricks the body and thereby the mind to act in a certain way. Take for example the vaccines. Again, not an expert here and highly simplifying, but many of the vaccines are based on the principle that if you inject a certain dose of foreign material into the body, mind assumes that body has been infected. So it starts telling all the cells and the blood to start creating antibodies to fight the infection. Thus, when any virus or infection occurs, body is already ready with antibodies making the infection futile. (Don’t confuse this with Homeopathy as that’s a different thing altogether).
Body’s flight or fight response can be trained too in certain aspects. What if we learn the ways to trick the mind to get anything changed in our physiology and psychology. Wouldn’t that be really amazing! For example, before a speech or presentation is to be delivered, if one takes up the Wonderwoman Pose or just act like you have won something, open up stance, sit relaxed, then the body starts generating happy harmones which reduces the stress and collywobbles which makes you confident. That means assuming you have killed it, makes you kill it.
Tricking the mind without taking anything (important) would be the next best thing. It might help us fight diseases, or put you into a cryogenic mode so that you could live longer or even travel farther.
Lying to mind to get something good should be normalised.