Productivity in Lockdown

All Hail Joan Corenella
  • Making of Dalgona Coffee
  • Relishing Home-Made Gol-Gappe, Samosas, Chhole-Bhatoore, etc
  • Learning new skills and mastering a zen-like personality
  • Creativity reaching great heights, higher than heaven
  • Daily Blogging of Lockdown Chronicles and becoming Seth Godin
  • Working from Home and being super relaxed and chilled
  • Productivity Gold Standard
  • Working Out and having a toned physique

Above are the things which are not working for me and I haven’t done any of them. Heh! I mean, oh no!

So by now, you might have already heard and seen people doing great things in these times of lockdown. They have not only gained mastery in all the culinary, but they have also lost weight. People have read 15 books in 1 month and become meditation experts. They have not only turned their lives upside down but then turned it up again, reached Nirvana, wrote the process of reaching Nirvana, and finally attained a perfectly balanced lifestyle that everyone craved for before some bat/pangolin/secret lab failed experiment/sheer luck ruined it for everyone.

You might have also come across rebels who say that all this is a sham and nobody is actually doing anything good. They have just got way too free time at their hands. People might be transforming but there also exist many who are not even getting time to get up from their desks because work has stopped being morning to evening thing. Rather, the start and end time have blurred and days are going in only 2 modes:

  • Work when your eyes are open and
  • Sleep while they cannot stay open.

I have unfortunately fallen on to the latter category. This lockdown is not going the way it should have been. 2 stars out of 5 in my humble opinion. I didn’t read more than 5 pages of 4 books I tried. I did a total of 10 minutes of workout and 10 minutes of meditation in the last 30 days. I have fallen prey to incessant sneezing due to allergy which made me think, “Oh I hope I didn’t touch anything which I wasn’t supposed to” or “I shouldn’t have gone to buy milk” but then sneezing stopped in an hour. The only thing I did which comes close to creativity is to hang my old Minimal movie posters and they too fell down the next day because I didn’t stick them properly. A bit of wall paint came out as well. Sorry landlord.

Now they are finally up again but they need maintenance every 2 days apparently because my tape is made in China. And, there is nothing good on TV too. Money Heist is OKAAAAYYYY at best.

Now, to top all that morale boosting in an off direction, I took up a 2 year Masters course which would need a good 10 hours a week dedication.

This person rightly summed it up really well and anyone feeling like this should watch this I think:

Now, normal people will give up and do nothing about it. Not me, I am extra-normal. (10 years ago, I would have called myself ab-normal as in Hindi ‘ab’ but that joke is lame now.)

From what I have learned from everything in life is that when you are not feeling up, stop feeling down and start again. This blog is a “stop moping and get hands back on the steering and look straight and drive” types. Here are a few things I did and doing:

  • I cleaned up my room and made it completely showable-on-Zoom room now. (I didn’t do it alone. My better half helped.)
  • I shave almost daily. And people notice that.
  • I made a time table and I will be following it.

And that’s it. This is not a motivational blog, please. Maybe if I continue doing good things, I will write ways to be sane in these times. But for now, we shall strive and struggle and stay on the right track, no matter when lockdown gets over and virus gets disinfected.

  • May be I should stop eating sugar too?