Starting Friction

Many, many, many people I know fret over 1000 things before starting what they want to do. This is for them.

Did Nike first concentrate on making shoes or they first worried about the logo and the Tagline? The Company started in 1964 and Logo came into being publicly in 1972.

Is your favorite song your favorite because of its title? Or you like it because you like the music or the lyrics?

Do you use a certain service because of its name, or color, or the font? Of course, it matters a lot when you are using it already and something changes but did you know that Google engineers once spent a lot of time fixating on which shade of blue to use? Do you care about which color is the background of your email client?

Remember, No amount of marketing can save a bad product.

If you want to do something, just start small, take feedback, and then improve it over time. If you start big, you might fail big too. Worry about your branding when you are famous. Or do you think you are going to be famous so you should have a logo for yourself right now?

Header Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash