Possible Causes of Rapes in India and How to Avoid Them version 2

Sources: http://blogs.reuters.com/india/2013/01/25/short-skirts-bad-stars-and-chow-mein-why-indias-women-get-raped/ http://blogs.wsj.com/indiarealtime/2013/01/29/poll-of-delhi-men-what-causes-rape/ http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-india-22460871 http://ibnlive.in.com/news/mumbai-bmc-clears-proposal-banning-display-of-lingerie-on-mannequins/394460-3-237.html Version 1 here: http://abloquacitylab.wordpress.com/2012/12/22/causes-of-rapes-in-india/

Sun raha hai na tu

One billion articles have been written about how IPL is sexist and a capitalist paradise. Nobody wants to say bad things about Rochelle Rao but those cheer girls (same set of girls everyday!) dancing in SET Max studio are of no use to the game of Cricket and also because of another gentleman named SiddhuContinue reading “Sun raha hai na tu”

Open letter to Dr. Anjali Tendulkar – II

Hi Dr. Anjali Tendulkar Ma’am, I hope you are doing great. Although, I have never known your birthdate but I am sure you won’t mind if I ask you to convey my best wishes to Mr. Sachin Tendulkar on his 40th birthday. I wish the best for him and your whole family, always. Well, sometimeContinue reading “Open letter to Dr. Anjali Tendulkar – II”