When Sniper’s Red Dot is on your forehead

black laptop computer

To quote one guy on Instagram, recently I had the fortunate experience of writing a few online exams. I had written about the adrenaline rush of writing an exam itself but to top all that, the real fun is when you have to keep your video on and a proctor is looking at your moves.

There were certain guidelines that you couldn’t move away from the visible area and if you really want to use the facilities, ask the online invigilator. You are open to using books, calculators, referring pdf notes but it was not allowed to browse the Internet. If someone else comes in the view of the camera, you could be debarred. If you are away for more than 1 minute, they might call you. One had to upload answers by first scanning a QR code on the screen, then opening a link generated from the QR Code from mobile, take the photo of the answer sheet, and upload. If the photo is blurry due to palms sweaty, mom’s spaghetti, do the whole process again. Time kept on ticking and as soon as the clock hits 00:00 seconds left, the browser window would close and if you haven’t uploaded your answers, then be ready to face the brunt a few weeks later.

This time, I had to read the ‘Do you agree’ terms and conditions because the chances of messing up were pretty high. To me, the experience of writing 2~3 hours Online Exams was like experiencing a Gun Pointing between your eyes. Any mistake could land you into trouble. When I was done with 4 of such exams, I would have taken the longest sigh of relief ever.

All those Students who had to go through this ordeal, I understand your pain.

Photo by cetteup on Unsplash